Ok, not really a full review but more or less a manifesto about how annoyed I am with this figure. Not only has Hasbro all but ignored comic War Machine, but then they released this MCU War Machine figure and passed it off to us as an all-new Marvel Legends Punisher War Machine.
They used the War Machine Civil War buck and made some cosmetic changes.
They left him with his tiny shoulder canon and those obnoxious things that attach to his thighs. When you touch/pick up/look at the figure, these fall off. Then they separate into two even tinier pieces. I had no plans to get him, and then I ran into him at my local GameStop. My OCD made me buy it, but I kinda wish I didn’t.
He’s not a good War Machine figure, and he’s definitely not a good Punisher figure. Unless you can find him for retail like I did, I couldn’t advise picking him up, even as a fan of both characters. Frank deserves better. So does Rhodey. So do you.
If you’re still not convinced, you can get him here:
If you were to force me to say something positive, I’d say “His chest skull is cool” and “Hey, at least we got SOMETHING.”
So that’s my Not A Review. A frustrating figure that is only slightly desirable because of who it represents.
If you’re a War Machine fan and you don’t know about the upcoming deluxe figure, well, now you do. You’re welcome.
No photoshop here. “Do you know what this armor does to just regular pieces of $%*# like you? Talk.”