Titanfall 1 AND 2 are games I enjoy playing. Not to the extent I enjoy Destiny, but it is a fun distraction from time to time. Of course, I had to buy the McFarlane Toys BT-7274.
What’s the deal with the McFarlane Toys BT7274?
Being a collector, I usually try to have a plastic representative of things I enjoy on my shelf. This is where the McFarlane Toys BT7274 comes in as a display piece. It isn’t a great quality piece, but it does what I want it to do (look decent) without breaking the bank. I think the next step up from this piece was in the $100 range. I don’t like the game THAT much. It also seems to be McFarlane’s niche market: People who kinda like something, but don’t want to spend THAT much on it.
The original solicitations showed the pilot, Jack Cooper, on the ground, standing. That won’t happen. The only articulation the pilot has is limited to some very basic head functions. The rest of his body is solid. Also, if your pilot’s head comes off, don’t panic, it pops back on.

As for BT-7274 or “BT” for short, he feels solid for plastic. The McFarlane Toys BT7274 has limited articulation, but more than my Negan review and way more than the 10 inch Rick Grimes I have. There isn’t a lot to say about the display piece. He has decent paint apps, some light weathering and looks very close to the source material.
The biggest gripe about the McFarlane Toys BT7274?
My biggest gripe about the figure is there is no real place to put his huge gun. The character in game attaches the gun to his back. While not needed, it would have been a nice touch.

Overall, I can’t really say anything horrible about McFarlane’s take on BT. I had a need, they provided.
Should you buy the McFarlane Toys BT7274?
Overall, I say pick him up if you see him. You can still get him at the following places:
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