No idea who made this one, honestly. I bought him from my bud over at VCTOYSBOX. It’s not a Manipple, as that one is still up for preorder.
I mean, I have 3 Figuarts Antman figures, and I’ve only seen each of his two movies once. I have a big ass ant in my basement and he’s riding it. Then I bought this head.
I wasn’t sure what to think of it at first. However, I had not really looked at the Paul Rudd headsculpt Bandai gave us in their last Antman figure.
Holy hot garbage. I guess I didn’t notice because to me, even though I like the immortal Mr. Rudd, that helmet just looks so much more awesome to me. Here are some shots of the new head, along with the horrible Bandai attempt. Neither head is perfect, but I just don’t want to spend the money on another Antman accessory. I do believe the VCTOYSBOX is vastly superior.
He looks like a cookie. Cookie face pt II