Let’s talk about Poe!

Let’s talk about the OLDBOY CTTS Poe Dameron custom repaint. Poe Dameron, we hardly know ye. I think you were featured in a Star Wars novel around the time The Force Awakens was released. I wouldn’t know, since the last 20 years worth of Star Wars books I’ve read do not “count” so why would I bother reading the new ones?
I apologize, I’m still working through some Star Wars stuff. That’s not why we’re here.
We’re here to celebrate the fact that this OLDBOY CTTS Poe Dameron exists. The Black Series Poe is pretty standard stuff out of the box. A blaster and a holster to put it. The head sculpt, like the Lando one I just reviewed, isn’t bad. You can see the details, but the sloppy paint apps bury those details. OLDBOY Brings them back. I love this head, if you get a chance, pick one up! Here are some pics!

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below!
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