The S.H. Figuarts Epi III Obi Wan Kenobi arrived a few weeks ago, and because I am lazy, I just got around to doing a review. I’d ask for forgiveness, but me being lazy shouldn’t come as a surprise to any of you.
I have all four Figuarts Obi Wans, but thus far have only reviewed this one. It did not fare well. This Figuarts Epi III Obi Wan Kenobi figure is my favorite version of the character. While I may end up one day reviewing the other two, this one demands my attention now. For no other reason than Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie. It’s the culmination of every story I wanted to know the answers to as kid. I know its unpopular to like the prequels, I simply don’t care.
What’s in the Figuarts Epi III Obi Wan Kenobi box?
We get 3 sets of hands. There are Jedi fists.
Force fist! So hot! Rock, scissors, paper.
There are open, neutral hands.
Open hands
Finally, we get a force push hand (like in the big Anakin/Obi Wan duel at the end of ROTS) and his two fingered force push.
Force Push Feeling cute; may cut off the chosen one’s legs and toss him in lava later, IDK.
We get an obligatory blue lightsaber because a Jedi is gonna Jedi.
Force two-sies.
One lightsaber, but two lightsaber hilts. The second one fits snugly in his belt.
Lightsaber hilt
Finally, we get two distinctive head sculpts. I make a point to say “distinctive” because it’s nice to not have two heads that look almost the same. Sometimes I look at sculpts and try to spot the differences. I shouldn’t have to do that. I’m looking at you, Figuarts Doctor Strange. I like the two heads, but would it kill them to give us a smiling Obi Wan?
Calm face sculpt Yelling face sculpt.
What doesn’t work with the Figuarts Epi III Obi Wan Kenobi?
My biggest gripe with the Figuarts Jedi are the sleeves. They’re sculpted and as such, don’t move. What that means if your arm is out to the side, the sleeve is also billowing to the side instead of dropping naturally. The face sculpts don’t seem to capture McGregor’s appearance as well as I’d like, but light years ahead of the Episode III Black Series Obi Wan. If the recent “Archive Releases” are any indication, I wouldn’t expect much of an improvement on that if they re-release him. Finally, the sleeves do get in the way of some poses at the elbow joint.
What works with the Figuarts Epi III Obi Wan Kenobi figure?
Well, he’s Obi Wan. It’s a better quality than the Black Series offering and at the end of the day, it’s still a Figuarts. That means it comes with the inherent good things that Bandai has spent years perfecting. Optional hands, Lightsaber and face options and an articulation scheme that works for the most part.
Should you purchase the Figuarts Epi III Obi Wan Kenobi figure?
As always, you have to ask yourself a couple questions: Are you a completionist? Then yes. Do you like the prequels? If so, I’d say “yes.” Do you have other Star Wars Figuarts or Black Series figures? Then this may be up your alley.
If you answered “no” to all of those, it’s probably an easy pass for you. I don’t regret picking him up one bit, but I love Star Wars and Revenge of the Sith in particular, with Obi Wan being my favorite characters from the prequels. If you want him, look here:
“Oh, dear.” We were brothers, Anakin! There were sooo many Jedi in the prequels. Why isn’t Figuarts making any besides these guys, Qui Gon (one and done) and eventually Yoda?
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