I know you’re sick of me saying it, but here’s another figure from a Star Wars movie I need to watch again.
And when I do watch it again, I want to really lock into how cool the Sith Trooper is.
In that hope, I bought the Figuarts Sith Trooper because I love troopers, and this one is eye catching.
There isn’t much to say I haven’t said before. I’ve not read the novelization of The Rise of Skywalker so I don’t know if they ever touch on what makes a Sith Trooper more Sithier (coined it. Pay me) than a normal trooper. Message me if you know.
But for now, let’s crack open the Figuarts Sith Trooper and see what we find.
What comes in the Figuarts Sith Trooper box?
Poor guy. Can’t even get top billing on the back of his own box.
The Figuarts Sith Trooper has a little more than I thought we’d get for such a one and done character. That is not a complaint. We get the figure itself.

There are three sets of hands, total. We get fists.
Evil punch hands
There are trigger/pointing hands.

Finally, he has gripping hands.

He has three weapons. A blaster, a blaster rifle, and a heavy blaster cannon. The heavy blaster cannon can be placed on a modular stand, or hand held. Here are some pics!
Moveable grip up Moveable grip down The detachable part of the heavy blaster cannon.
Here are a few other pictures to show off some details.
Red Bucket Head
What doesn’t work with the Figuarts Sith Trooper?
His ankle pivot isn’t the greatest, but there is an issue far greater than that.
The range of motion with his head is about the same as a coma patient. IE, he ain’t movin’ it.
I know it’s just an action figure. I guess if my best friend Mark made his first action figure, I’d be pretty thrilled if this was the result.
But Bandai has been at it a while. They didn’t think to, oh, I dunno, give the head the ol’ twistaroo?
Well, they didn’t.
What works with the Figuarts Sith Trooper?
His weapons look really sharp. The gloss finish on his armor really makes him stand out visually. The heavy cannon is a welcomed addition to my Star Wars weapons.
The armor details are crisp and there were no issues getting his hands on and off (no chasing the peg around and hoping you don’t break it). His shoulder and hip armor is not as restrictive as I have seen in the past.
Should you purchase the Figuarts Sith Trooper?
If you’re a trooper collector, of course. If you love the Post-Disney Star Wars Universe, absolutely. If you want a piece of what Palpatine worked on for 30 years, why not?
In the end, it’s a Star Wars figure, and it’s hard to go wrong with that. You can grab one here:
Judging by how many pictures I took, I had a lot of fun with this guy. I hope you enjoy them.
Move aside, Sith Trooper… Sith’n. THE RESISTANCE IS HERE!