Lobo is not a character I knew a lot about. I had the high points… can go toe to toe with Superman, invulnerability, his blood generates clones of him, he has an incredible healing ability. I knew he was created as a way to mock the darker, more extreme characters of Marvel at the time. Characters like Wolverine and The Punisher, not to mention any character Rob Leifeld was writing/drawing at the time.
Of all of those characters, he bears the most resemblance to Wolverine to me. Lobo actually fought Wolverine in the Marvel vs DC Crossover in the mid-90’s. The results of those fights were all based on fan votes. Therefore, after the two disappeared behind a bar (yup, you read that right… the 90’s was a wild ride, brother!) and tussled for a few panels. Wolverine came out the victor.
The guy that can fist fight Superman was beaten by Wolverine.
It is what it is, right? Comics are comics.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, I didn’t know a lot about Lobo, and since I was writing a review on the DC Multiverse Lobo figure, I thought I’d educate myself a little. I spent about 15 minutes reading his Wikipedia page (well, I doubt he maintains it, but you know what I mean) and want to know what I learned?
He can fist fight Superman. Except when he can’t. He can be exposed to the vacuum of space, but sometimes a regular gun can hurt him. He started as a bad guy, became a good bad guy, and along the way fans had to deal with a few different (also, ridiculous) versions of him. Go take a look and then swing back here.
Done? Cool. Cool, cool, cool. This should be a quick one. It was only supposed to be a few Instagram pictures, but as I sometimes do, I touched up his paint and wanted a few pics of it. Before I knew it, I had enough pictures to do an article, and here we are. You and I. Sitting across the table from each other.
Talking about Lobo. Like a couple of bros. Or broettes. Whatever. We’re friends now.
Can I borrow money?
No? Ok, I was kidding anyway. BUT I’M GONNA CLEAN YOUR WINDSHIELDS!!!
As I’m reviewing Lobo’s power set, it reads like a kid made it up. “Oh yeah, well my guy’s blood makes more guys!”
I understand the character is supposed to be a parody. However, it reminds me of one of the reasons I don’t play traditional tabletop RPG games. Back in the late 80s, I was working at Krogers, and a guy at work invited a friend and me to an RPG night at his place. We were playing a Star Trek TNG dice-based game. We roll the dice, and the guy who invited us was like, “You come out of warp and there are four Borg cubes. One of them tractors you immediately. What do you do?”
“We die, Chris. We f^%*ing die. What the f$%^k did you think would happen?” From that point on until we were kicked out, my friend and I made it our jobs to be incredulous.
I get those vibes from Lobo’s powerset. “You punch a guy, bust his nose, and the blood from his nose makes more guys. Now you’re fighting twenty versions of the same dude. What do you do?”
Bah… suggit, Chris.
What’s in the DC Multiverse Lobo box?
The DC Multiverse Lobo doesn’t have a lot. He has the standard McFarlane stand and collectible card, that isn’t a comic picture. Not that I’m salty.
He also has a ball of chain with a pretty intimidating hook on the end of it. Here are some pictures for you to peruse.

What doesn’t work with the DC Multiverse Lobo figure?
As with most McFarlane figures, the paint apps are lacking. I’m used to that and as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t mind it.
The only real complaint I have is that the hook can really only be displayed in one way. It hangs down at a 90 degree angle. Consequently, he needs to hold it like this:

You can put it however you want, but for me to not lose my mind in an OCD fit, I can’t have a chain shooting straight back, parallel with the ground.
I can’t. I want to be able to… but I can’t.
I’m sorry.
If I had to find one other thing I didn’t like, it would again come down to ankle pivot. He seems to have none.
What works with the DC Multiverse Lobo figure?
This jacket. I love this jacket.

Not in a “perpetual teenage boy state of arrested development” way, but because I have nothing else like it on any of my shelves. The colors pop and it captures the essence of who I feel Lobo is at his core. A big middle finger to well, us… the parts of fanbases we now call “toxic.” Back then we called them A-holes.
I think the sculpt is great on this guy, and because his eyes are all red, no side-eye!!!
Should you purchase the DC Multiverse Lobo figure?
I like Lobo. I just don’t Storm Collectibles price like Lobo. Know what I mean? I have the Mattel Collect and Connect figure, and figured that was it on the Lobo front.
I lucked out and found this guy on Amazon over Christmas break, with Power Suit Lex. If you see him and you like the line, pick him up. I’m pretty sure you won’t regret it!
Get him here:
Let’s close this out with a few more pictures!