Marvel Legends Tombstone is a figure I didn’t know I needed. Tombstone is… not smart. I can’t imagine he is anyone’s favorite character. Maybe the guy who sat down in 1988 and decided Spider-man needed another bad guy way below his power level would consider him his favorite. Somehow though, I doubt it.
Please don’t misunderstand. Tombstone is super strong, super resilient and if this picture is any indication, super ugly.

But we can’t all be gorgeous, that’s why I hustled my Tombstone down to my photo booth and snapped off some pictures.
Lo and behold, he’s a fun action figure. He has all the right articulation and that open chested, high collared shirt checks all the boxes I need checked. The sculpt from Hasbro is very much “on point.”
What’s in the Marvel Legends Tombstone box?
Not a lot. He comes only with the BAF piece for the MCU Vulture.

What works, and what doesn’t work, with Marvel Legends Tombstone?
He has some annoying boot cuffs (I have no idea what they’re called? Boot meat?) that move around like all of Cyclop’s belts. However, they are already where they need to be (on the boot) so it isn’t too big of a problem. He is just a fun figure. No extra hands, no accessories out of the BAF piece, just a block of finely sculpted plastic. His legs are a little loose, but that could have been mine. If you pick one up and it’s the same, I’d be curious to know about it. Otherwise, he is actually an amazingly comic accurate sculpt with smooth articulation. Not bad for Hammerhead’s former hit-man.

Should you buy Marvel Legends Tombstone?
Do you need him? No. Do you want him? Probably not. Maybe you just need the BAF piece, or maybe you’re the one guy who runs Tombstone’s fan club. What I can say is he is a very cool, intimidating looking guy who will probably look good getting beat up by your heroes.
He is for sale here:
Always interested in hearing my reader’s opinions!
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