Fresh off of the heels of yesterday’s Figuarts reveal, here are some more pics of things the lucky convention goers get to see first hand. I didn’t take these pics, so credit to whomever took them (I think Toy Ark and Star Wars Action news took several).
First up, the new Black Series figures. One of the things I like the MOST about the BS is no Build a Figure. That means I am not getting roped into buying characters I don’t want. For instance, no interest in the guy from The Last Jedi I don’t know. I also doubt I’ll have any interest after seeing the movie, the same I did for 99% of the figures from TFA. The Rey is ok, but I’ve already PO’d the Figuarts one and I don’t care enough about her to need more than that one.
I definitely want Commander Rex, I loved his character in The Clone Wars. 4-Lom, Dengar and Lando look incredible. However, as a rule, 4-Lom withstanding, I strongly dislike the BS human sculpts. Still, if these are close when they hit stores, I will be picking these up, IF they ever make it to stores. I’ve not seen a whole lot of new Black Series figures near me.
Next up, the latest wave of Marvel Legends. With the exception of Prowler, who I just don’t care about, these figures look great. Hasbro has been killing it with their Legends line (real shame for their BS line) and these look to be keeping that trend going.

See anything you like? What do you think of the new figures? Awesome or ho-hum? Let me know below!