Once I came to accept what the Mattel Multiverse line was, instead of what it wasn’t, I learned to appreciate it. I picked up the Multiverse Batman Beyond figure because I like the aesthetics and I wanted that Lobo.
Admittedly, I knew surprisingly little about the character. All I knew came from watching the direct to video Return of Joker film, and the two episodes of Justice League Unlimited he appeared.
I checked out his Wikipedia info because I was curious. Long story short, Terry McGinnis’ dad was murdered by a member of the Jokerz gang after he had found Bruce’s old cave that was shut down 20 years earlier. Terry returns to the cave, steals the prototype Batman suit, and catches the bad guy. Bruce gives him his blessing (I am leaving some stuff out, so check out the wiki if you have time to kill), and then a decade or so later, Terry finds out Bruce is actually his dad. But Bruce didn’t know. Just read the wiki.
I am noticing a trend in my life, where there was a good ten plus years where I kind of stopped doing things I enjoyed because I was at another place in life. I didn’t watch the Batman Beyond series, the same way I dropped off the radar of Transformers and GI Joe. As far as I can tell, it really started in the mid 90’s and lasted until the very late 2000’s, maybe a little longer. I know I was working full time, in a very active band, then I had a kid and a family and I was going to college and changing jobs and blah blah blah.
None of that matters though, because now I have a DC Multiverse Batman Beyond figure and a Lobo to boot. I like Batman Beyond, I just don’t MEZCO like him. Let’s take a look at the cheaper alternative.
What comes in the DC Multiverse Batman Beyond box?
More than I thought I’d get. We get the figure itself (as well as the Lobo heads).
In the Multiverse Batman Beyond box, we find a set of wings.
There are four hands, but one set. We get a fist.
We get a set of karate/flying/throat chop hands.
There is also one gripping hand.

We get (and I was legitimately surprised about this) four Batarangs.
So many Batarangs.
Finally, we get two different headsculpts. Again, I was surprised. There is a closed mouth sculpt for 99% of the scenarios he’d be in.
Finally, there is an angry, grimacing Bat-head.
Because I love you folks, here are a few more detailed shots.
What doesn’t work with the DC Multiverse Batman Beyond figure?
Remember when I said I had to learn to accept Multiverse figures for what they are?
That means that in the Multiverse Batman Beyond figure, I have learned to appreciate a complete lack of ankle pivot. I enjoy not being able to move his head up or down. It only makes perfect sense that a Batman figure does not have two fists. It’s just overkill.
I appreciated the sloppy paint apps and cannot get enough of the inferior articulation scheme as a whole.
Loved it.
What works with the DC Multiverse Batman Beyond figure?
The Multiverse Batman Beyond figure came with three more Batarangs, one more head, and two more hands than I had any right to expect. I have ran the whole emotional spectrum on Multiverse figures. From hatred to glowing.
The paint apps were sloppy, but not horrible.
Like it or not, your new choice for 1:12 DC figure are now Mezco and old Multiverse figures.
Should you purchase the DC Multiverse Batman Beyond figure?
I’m not the boss of you, but here is what I can tell you… if you want a 6 inch Batman Beyond figure and you don’t want to pay over $200 for it, this is really your only choice.
I think he’s a cool enough character to deserve a spot on my shelf.
The bad news though, is I think his price will go up quickly (he’s already $20 more than I bought him for a month or so ago). He has enough of a cult following to be desirable, and for some reason, figures with the heads of whatever CAC/BAF seem to be more desirable in the aftermarket. Maybe customizers just want the heads? No idea.
Here are a couple places you can still pick him up: