Ahhh, the DC Multiverse Cyborg.
I don’t understand why Mattel hates me. We never really broke up. We just drifted apart. Yet in between the time our eyes first locked and the last text we sent one another, there was love to be found. He-Man and his pals along with the Secret Wars figures were my constant companions as a child. The entire time the DCUC figures were in stores, I had taken a hiatus on the hobby, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t drool over them in stores just the same.
Then one dumping of a great line (DCUC) and five horrible waves later, we’ve arrived at this point.
Full disclosure: I’ve hated every single figure I’ve seen in this line, with the exception of the Doomsday wave, which is also a solid Collect and Connect (CAC).
I picked this figure up because one of my sons has a favorite hero, and that hero is Cyborg. I don’t dislike Cyborg. Quite the opposite, actually. I am not critiquing the character but rather his action figure, the DC Multiverse Cyborg.
Other companies can make good DC figures. I know it. Take a look here, for instance. Maybe even here.
His head sculpt is bad. A lot of the Marvel Legends (same price point, keep in mind) have great sculpts that have been repainted to look amazing. This isn’t a case of sloppy paint. It’s a case of not giving a $&^*.
The DC Multiverse Cyborg has horrible shoulder joints with a horrible T joint in the crotch. There is no ab crunch, it’s just a solid hunk of plastic. The waist can rotate. The elbows and knees are single jointed. The head cannot look up or tilt and there is no ankle pivot to be found.
What’s in the DC Multiverse Cyborg box?
The DC Multiverse Cyborg comes with an alternate hand/blaster (his white sound blaster I am assuming, but I’m not sure if that’s what it will be called in the movie). He also comes with a piece for Steppenwolf. I may end up picking up the rest of the wave for my son, which I guess is my point. If this was a $9 figure, my opinion would be practically glowing. However, putting it at the same price as a Marvel Legends, which have far better sculpts, BAF’s and an articulation scheme that slays these figures is a ridiculous and frankly, insulting strategy.

Should you pick up the DC Multiverse Cyborg?
Look, if you enjoy this line, you’re wrong. I cannot conceive of a reason why you’d want this figure unless you have a child that would enjoy it, or you want the Collect and Connect piece. It made my boy happy, so that was a positive. This figure wasn’t a drunk text proclaiming closure as much as it was a brick through your apartment window with a note attached that reads, “Suck it, nerd!”
If you want to pick up this toy against humanity, you can get him here:
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