A Little Fun With the Jazwares Doggo

Jazwares Doggo

My girlfriend bought three of us (myself and the two boys) this Jazwares Fortnite Legendary Series Doggo figure. We have a pug, Jackson, who recently wrapped up cancer treatment after losing a leg to it last year. Needless to say, we love our pug, and as such, we all thought this was a fantastic figure.

The concept of the Freak Squad hit me immediately because I wanted a reason to photograph this guy. Him and Frogman both. I tried to tell a secondary story in the background but I just couldn’t figure out how to tell it. Other than that, I was a fan of the Jazwares line, even though I don’t play the game. I heard they lost the license which is a bummer. I think Hasbro picked it up. I hope they can maintain the fun level on the line.

Hope you enjoy!

Jazwares Doggo
“OK, listen up. The world needs heroes. That’s why I, The Fabulous Frogman, have assembled The Freak Squad. Despite most of us being too ugly to be in the X-Men (and they had a dude named ‘Maggot’ but whatever), we are going to show them all… we can be heroes! Now pose for the camera…”
Jazwares Doggo
*Glub Glub* Translation: “What’s going on behind us?”
Jazwares Doggo
“WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?!” *GLUB GLUB* Translation: “RUN!”

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