With good reason, this guy has been the butt of a lot of jokes when it comes to face sculpts.
Butt-face jokes.
I don’t hate the Death Metal Superman. I judge comic-based face sculpts less harshly than movie-based sculpts. Probably because I’m used to seeing different artists draw my favorite characters in different ways. Some I strongly dislike, others I prefer. There’s no rhyme or reason.
So yes, this looks like a cross between Jay Leno and Glen Danzig, but it is what it is, and what it is, is a great buck for the Man of Steel, one I am hoping they reuse.
I felt like I could do some justice with a wash and some other details. This is how he turned out. I hope you guys enjoy.
Recharge I felt like I needed to break up that red. I was able to get the S-shield on the knuckles to pop a little more with the wash. I made it a point not to dirty the S-shield on his chest. Never dirty hope.