I’ve seen on the Facebook pages I frequent (and please, say “hi” to me if you see me posting, I obviously love talking about me, myself, or things I own) that a lot of folks had these Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett coming out their dark side. I am writing this (well, starting it anyway, it’s summertime, and if you’re a regular reader, you know what that means for me) on July 22, 2021.
I have yet to see this figure in any stores I frequent in Central Ohio. My “hunting range” includes three Targets, two Walmarts, three Walgreens, and four Gamestops. That’s all within 10 miles of me. Zilch.
I preordered him on Dork Side Toys but made the mistake of ordering him with some items that still haven’t been released. I assumed, watching the Facebook pages, that I’d just run into him.
I did not.
I ordered a second from Dork Side, knowing eventually I’ll get a second one.
Was that a good thing? Or would it be the end of everything?
Probably somewhere in between.
This isn’t the first iteration of this Fett I reviewed. I went through and revisited my Mafex article. I loved that figure, and I still do.
However, it hasn’t aged well. He seems more fragile than ever. He fell over and snapped his rocket off. A few more years of insight as a collector and I realized Mafex could have weathered him a tad. But regardless, he’s still a solid figure.
Also, good lord was my photography so bad. It’s not great now, but sometimes I go through the older stuff and I want to take it down or redo the pictures.
Still, a large part of me thinks it’s good for those to remain, if for no other reason than I can track my own progress in almost real-time.
I know you’re thinking, “If the Mafex is so good, why buy the Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett?”
First off, mind your business.
Secondly, as I mentioned, it’s only a matter of time before he breaks in a way that I won’t be able to display him anymore. The price on the Black Series version wasn’t too bad. It is the third Black Series Fett I picked up.
The archive TESB edition is horrible, as it’s a repaint of the original, horrible figure. I said what I said. I also have a Carbonized one, which is just a fancy version of the aforementioned horrible figure.
Still, the solicits for Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett looked promising, and I’m a sucker for an excuse to buy a figure.
What comes with the Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett figure?
I was pleasantly surprised with the pack-ins. I can’t even say it’s substantially more than the Deluxe Jar Jar, but it feels “right.”
We get ourselves a nifty Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett figure.
We get Boba’s EE-3 blaster.
Boba’s EE-3 Carbon Rifle EE-3 closeup.
There is a removable rocket pack, with articulated boosters, and a removable rocket!
Removable rocket!
There is a removable grappling hook.
Business end of grappling hook Grappling hook wrist attachment
We also get a slew of effect pieces. There is a Skywalker Special EE-3 blaster.

There is a flame thrower effect.

There are rocket pack blaster effect pieces.

Worth mentioning (because for some reason, Hasbro doesn’t do this all the time), the range finder is articulated.

Here are a few more pics for your viewing pleasure.
Rocket launcher! Knee rockets
What doesn’t work with the Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett figure?
The Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett figure is not without its problems (then again, what figure is perfect? And why is it the Mafex Spider-Man? ).
The elbow articulation is weird in that there is no “stop” in either direction. So sometimes I’d stare at it forever trying to figure out which way was which. The cut in half blaster is odd for me. If I recall correctly, the original solicits showed a more orangish hue at the cut. It mimicked the look of melted metal, which I liked. This is just a flat yellow.
But the bigger issue is, I have no idea how to display it. I mean, Boba could hold on to the handle, but the cut end? Do I give it its own stand? Maybe blue tack and a coat hanger? There’s no real way to conceal that in a display. Plus there’s a 97% chance I’d find a way to impale my eyeball with it.
Similarly, the rocket detaching is cool, but how do I display that? It’s good that it won’t break off, but it is also now much easier to lose.
Out of the box, his head was squished. This happened because there is an actual head with a face under the helmet (unpainted). When they put the helmet on during the assembly process, it’s hot. It then vacuum seals to the face. This isn’t a new issue if you’ve bought the more recent clones. It is, however, an easy issue to fix. About 45 seconds of hot water and a few squeezes, and it looks better.

However, no matter how much hot water I used, I could not get the range finder to go straight up and down. It keeps pulling into the helmet.
The Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett could have used something to make him not look so clean. They also left off the red on the upper left of his chest armor.
Yet, gun to the head, I’d have to say the worst thing about the figure is that ridiculously comical grappling hook. The piece that attaches to his arm is silly. The half-inch of rope we get still manages to look like a viagra ad.

I’m just not sure how to display that.
Wish list item: Why no painted head underneath? It’s literally his face. Seems lazy. Or an awaiting cash grab when they release the deluxe DELUXE version, I guess. It would be pretty weird if the head underneath was the guy who originally played him in the OT. No disrespect meant at all, but every time I see that guy, I think he works at IBM and is just LARPing to be “cool.”
What works with the Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett figure?
The articulation on this Boba Fett figure is fantastic. I couldn’t find a pose I couldn’t hit. The shoulder armor plates may be the best I’ve seen on any figure, foreign or domestic, as far as Star Wars figures go. They do not inhibit arm movement at all.
There is so much right about this figure that it far outweighs the wrong. If he had extra hands, he’d rank better than the Mafex, no question. They give extra hands to some figures now. I think the Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett deserves those hands.
Should you buy the Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett?
You probably already have him. However, if you don’t and you’re hesitating, go pick him up. Society’s hype for Boba, mine included, is bigger than ever thanks to his appearance in The Mandolorian and the reveal of his own upcoming series.
The Black Series Deluxe Boba Fett is the kind of figure we should encourage Hasbro to make.
If you need a place to find him, try here: