I’ve had the Figuarts Han Solo The Force Awakens figure for a while now. It was part of my huge backlog of figures I discussed here. I was pretty excited about this perspective figure back in 2015 when I first saw The Force Awakens (holy crap, 2015!). However, as my “holy crap” denoted earlier, it’s 2020. It’s been five years and my temperature has cooled a little on this figure. More so because he sat unopened in my basement for a month or two.
The nice thing about the post-quels (have we all agreed on a name? Personally I say we still use the BoY as the start of measurement for all things Star Wars. I just want to make us fans as socially unappealing as possible) is how it proved that if you were a kid in the Luke or Han camp, you were wrong.
We argued for decades about who was cooler, who was large and in charge. The only ones of us who were right were the ones in Leia’s camp, or R2D2 (who had the self respect to just shut himself down rather than deal with the absurdity of all of this). Because guys, let’s be frank… were you a “Han Guy?” Hard to imagine a cooler space dude, right? When we see him again, he’s a divorced dad who’s only kid went to the dark side.
Were you a Luke guy (like me)? That he was empowered by all that was righteous in the galaxy? Wrongo-bongo, Ghost Rider. He ended up getting his only nephew and blood relative beside his sister to turn to the dark side, and crash the New Jedi Order down around his ears. One would assume that he really only had one immediate job. Keeping the Sith out of his new family business. But then the Sith hit the fan.
That’s right. I just made a Sith joke and I ain’t even ashamed.
The next time we see him after saving the galaxy, he’s a broken man, living on an island alone, drinking blue teet milk from a hairy animal breast.
The good thing about the Figuarts Han Solo The Force Awakens is its also a good Rise of Skywalker figure.
You’ve had months, I don’t care about your spoilers at this point.
This isn’t the first Han figure I’ve reviewed, and I doubt it will be the last. But it’s the figure in front of me right now, so let’s get started.
What’s in the Figuarts Han Solo The Force Awakens box?
You’re very nosy, but since we’re already talking, I suppose I’ll share. We get the old man Han figure itself.
We get three sets of hands. Huzzah.
We get Han Neutral hands.

We get Han shot first hands.

We get Han punched first hands.

We get the standard Han DL-44 modified heavy blaster.

We also get a holster to give the illusion of being functional. However, like the New Hope Han figure, its a swap out for a holster WITH the blaster in it.
The blaster that shot first.
That is it. Here are a few detailed shots.
What doesn’t work with the Figuarts Han Solo The Force Awakens figure?
I am going to try hard not to let the fact that five years have passed since I’ve seen TFA color this section, but it will be hard. I just wasn’t excited about him by the time I got around to opening him. I felt the same about Crait Luke. Somehow three new movies have dulled my excitement about an IP I’ve done nothing but love since I can remember. That being said, I am excited to see how the franchise moves forward. I don’t dislike the new trifecta, so I hope to see them again.
My Figuarts Han Solo The Force Awakens figure has a lot of blemishes. Not only on his pants, but on his face as well. Plastic mounds and streaks abound.
Speaking of his head, he only comes with one headsculpt, and that headsculpt varies between “not interested” to “I don’t want to be here” depending on the light and angle. I suppose in that regard, they captured Ford’s attitude towards the franchise for decades.
What works with the Figuarts Han Solo The Force Awakens figure?
Often times when I am really annoyed with a figure like this, I forget that its literally vastly superior to any other Han figure I’ve owned in my life. I looked up the Black Series TFA Han and wow, that thing looks like hot trash to me. Maybe it was the photographer, but I obviously (OBVIOUSLY) HAVE to have a Han represented for the post-quels. This is my best option unless Manipple releases a new head for it.
His articulation and center of gravity are great for posing him, and even though I mocked the figures disinterested expression, I really only wanted to hurt Harrison Ford’s feelings. The figure itself looks a lot like old Han, sans the plastic blemishes.

Should you purchase the Figuarts Han Solo The Force Awakens figure?
This depends on your budget. I can’t tell a guy that can only afford a Black Series figure that his purchase is inferior. What I can say is that if I had to pick between that figure to purchase or I had to shoot myself, I’d stand in front of the figure so the bullet hit us both.
Even though I am now disillusioned with my childhood heroes, I still want them in plastic form. If you’re like me, you want a Han from this era, and this Han is the way to go.
You can still pick him up here:
- Xavier Cal Customs and Collectibles (as of this writing)
- Amazon
- eBay
Here are a few more pictures before we part company for the day, my friends and fellow sexy beasts.
“Ok, you big baby. I’ll go first.” Pre Disney Family portrait. “Listen, Big Deal. You got another problem. Women always figure out the truth. Always.” “Oh, there’s more than one of you guys, huh?” “If you got any Jedi magic up those long sleeves of yours Luke, now’d be a great time to use it.” I would have loved to have seen the two of them back in action together one more time.
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