As I am sure I’ve mentioned, I was an over-emotional simp growing up. Prone to tears over the most mundane of circumstances. Of all the things I miss since my spirit was broken decades ago, that isn’t one of them.
I’d love to be able to find joy in a bird’s song, or a child’s laugh again. I would be ecstatic to look out at a sunrise and feel as if the future was limitless. But I’d gladly give up those things if it meant I wouldn’t openly weep when I didn’t have a Luke Skywalker I wanted.
Life was rough at 7.
I don’t need to tell you once again what Luke meant to me. I probably did it here, here, and most likely REALLY did it here and here. Prior to the Mandalorian Season Finale, Bespin Luke was my favorite Luke look. Yes, I know the season finale look was basically the same as the RotJ look. But he lost the cloak somewhere between getting himself dropped into a Rancor pit, and almost dropped into a Sarlacc pit.
The Bespin ensemble was a nice mix between the understated brown of a Jedi, and the fatigues of a soldier.
Yet for all the sobbing my 7-year-old self did (and lord, was it a lot), 40 years later, my shelves still suffered from a lack of Bespin fatigues. I kept the Black Series Bespin Luke (pre-face-print-tech) up for as long as I could stomach looking at him.
With the Empire Strikes Back Anniversary figure (a line like the archive line, I am ever so thankful for), Hasbro decided to make another grab for the brass ring that is my childhood expectations.
What’s in The Black Series Bespin Luke box?
If I had more display space, I’d keep one carded and display it. I do love the retro packaging.
Included is the Black Series Bespin Luke Skywalker we’d expect. His pack in’s are rather sparse, but what else could he have come with?
He has a DL-44 Heavy Blaster.
He also has a working holster to stow it in.
Holstered weapon Empty holster
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the obvious, but yes, he has a lightsaber.
Lightsaber close up
Annnnnd that’s it. Here are a few more pics for you.
Nice fabric-like details. Space Crocs
What doesn’t work with the Black Series Bespin Luke?
Ok, from the go… do you see that face above? Even though it looks much more like Mark Hamill than their previous attempt, this is a Luke who has… seen some stuff. Things he can’t unsee. Things he sees when his eyes are shut, or as the case with the Black Series Bespin Luke, ALWAYS WIDE OPEN.
Holy Lord above, Hasbro, seriously?
He only has one set of hands, which is not that uncommon for a Black Series figure. Also only this one, traumatized headsculpt. However, if I may, this is a tentpole character in one of the three main outfits he’s most known for wearing. It deserves more love than it got. That’s all I’m saying.
His articulation is what we’d expect for a Black Series figure. By that I mean, substandard. His elbows need a deeper bend if they are morally opposed to double-jointed elbows. He needs butterfly shoulders. His hips just seem… broken. I will never understand how they can nail an articulation not just in the Marvel Legends line, but even among the Black Series itself (like the new Trooper articulation), but completely drop the ball on someone like Luke.
What works with the Black Series Bespin Luke figure?
Look, I don’t see us getting a better representation of this aesthetic than the Black Series Bespin Luke figure. I don’t think Figuarts has any plans for him. A slight retool of the Dagobah Luke would be perfect, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.
That means, for now, he’s the best looking option we have (unless you’re a customizer, which I am not).
The good news is, he isn’t bad. Especially when you look at our previous option:
Left: Anniversary. Right: Gross.
Should you purchase the Black Series Bespin Luke?
As I mentioned above, he’s probably going to be your only real option. Fortunately, it isn’t a bad option. If you can find him for retail, I’d say pick him up.
You can start here:
Wrapping this up with some more pictures. Missed you guys!
I wasn’t trying to make that lightsaber erotic. It just happened. I’m a Jedi. Like my father. Luke looks like he just got the memo about Leia being his sister. *lightsaber noises*